Paula Alston Hardin
Although I only went to school at MCHS for two years, (9th and 10th grade) It was some formidable years. I hated it so bad when I had to move to Cullman/ Winston county to live close to my grandmothers after my grand fathers died. I ended up graduating at West Point High in cullman county My father was principal at falkville for two years, so I also went to school there. He was also head football coach at a small school called Lynn in Winston county. There I lived on a 160 acre farm with chicken houses, horses, cows pigs, and cotton, that I got to use a pick sack to pick . Fun! lol The years at Hartselle were great for me, but coming from such a small school before I came here, left me at such a disadvantage , that I didn't ever really get a chance to "fit in " like I wanted to. But I made some great friendships , I'll never forget
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